Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Converting values for virtual wire

Today we worked on the code so we can send a simple 2 digit number to be used in controlling the motor and servo.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

RF codes

The team met and worked on sending and receiving raw data. We tried different codes but finally came up with the code posted below that transmits the raw data from the joystick to the receiver board.

Here's the transmitting code

Here's the receiving code

Monday, November 18, 2013

Follow up to the previous post

In this video, the servo motor is working properly, but the drive motor is not.  We've gone through the code and have corrected a few errors, but haven't had time to test it.  Update on the RF control tomorrow!!

Testing out joystick control

This week we started to get the coding together for both the 2 axis joystick and the rf control.  This is a work in progress, and code with video will be posted shortly. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Introduction to SolidWorks and Arduino

As an introduction to the world of arduino and rapid prototyping, the students of 22.201 were tasked with creating a design that can be built using 3D printing technology and controlled using at least one arduino board.  Team 2 Fast is stepping up to the challenge with designing a radio controlled car, who's design is depicted below.
Team 2 Fast consists of:
  • Michael Gager
  • Daniel Miller
  • Alaina Schiano
Updates to this blog will be made regularly showing changes in design, parts created, and code used to control the car.
Credit to the initial prototype goes to Michael Gager